Отзыв Обсуждение обновлений

Discussion in 'Обсуждение игры / Отзывы' started by Lord_A, Nov 26, 2013.

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  1. yeah

    yeah пользователь

    Новые щиты ?? Я недавно столько урика на старые угрохал и апгрейдить их начал...
  2. Freelancer99

    Freelancer99 пользователь

    Не парьтесь! На уровне слухов. Если вдруг таки да, тогда и будем адекватно реагировать на вновь возникшее обстоятельство.
    -Qbiк- and Сheshire_Сat like this.
  3. _vOROn_

    _vOROn_ пользователь

    Точно, точно.... Я слышал про эти щиты - 1.000.000 единиц, будет стоить 10лям урика, и ставится исключительно в ПЕТа.......
  4. ˘°*Μμśλimkã*°˘

    ˘°*Μμśλimkã*°˘ пользователь

    Это те, которые жёлтого цвета ?
  5. _vOROn_

    _vOROn_ пользователь

    Ага. Жёлтые в зелёный горошек.......
  6. yeah

    yeah пользователь

    Согласен, но все же я решил немного попаниковать :DD а то уже не в 1 раз это слышу, причём один фул аж в общем мне писал, что нужно Урик копить так как обнова будет.
  7. yeah

    yeah пользователь

    Как человек который не так давно начал играть в эту игру и вообще не особо в теме. У этой игры есть клиент ? А где его можно скачать ?
  8. ]ГоРн[

    ]ГоРн[ пользователь

    Игра браузерная, клиента нет.
  9. Freelancer99

    Freelancer99 пользователь

    Урик следует копить в любом случае, а дальше следить за официальными сообщениями.
  10. Razgriz

    Razgriz пользователь

    не,не надо у аегигиса прочку урезать :D остальное оставить как есть.
    а то иш какие прочки больше чем у гала :D
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2014
  11. ΆЌ–47™

    ΆЌ–47™ пользователь

    Вижу администрация молчит, никакой интриги о предстоящем! А на иностранных форумах уже вовсю обсуждают!

    Greetings, Pilots!

    It is really unbelievable, the Demanor Freighters found another way into our galaxy. It seems that our resistance in summer was not daunting enough. Thereby, we fairly lighted fire under their buns!

    To put them in their place once and for all you will now get much better rewards for the destruction of Demaner Freighters. Due to reliable information sources, the Demaner Freighters are equipped quite well, their cargo boxes may contain valuable items such as drone designs or even LF-4 lasers!

    Of course, you will be able to get some RB-214 ammo which deals impressive 8-fold damage on Demaner Freighters. This will teach them the meaning of fear.

    What are you waiting for? Go in and win!

    Снова хотят деманеров на карты пустить)) Даже новые достижения подготовили к ним! Награду обещают сделать побольше!

    Glorious hunt
    Destroy 5 Demaner freighters
    (No title apparently)

    Disrupted routes
    Destroy 25 Demaner freighters
    Title:Space hunter

    Demaner Bane
    Destroy 50 Demaner freighters
    Title: Demaner Bane

    Corsair of the Seven Galaxies
    Destroy 100 Demaner freighters
    Title:Corsair of the Seven Galaxies

    Также в планах чтото под названием Cold Wave GG! Видимо порт к новогодним праздникам!
    Моб еще новый под именем Skoll! Толи вместо айса пустят, толи с этого самого порта!

    К ниму пара достижений присутствует!

    The Melter
    By accomplishing Destroy Skoll Mission
    Title: The Melter

    -^= 3014 =^-
    By accomplishing 30 event missions of this year
    Title: -^= 3014 =^-

    Похоже как всегда будет приличное количество квестов!

    <item name="quest_title_506017">
    <![CDATA[ Triangulation ]]>
    <item name="quest_description_506017_mmo">
    We have noticed recently that the light of many suns from sector X is not longer reaching us. We need you to travel to areas (faster-than-light-jumping) were the light should still be visible and check if the shut down happens "again" there.
    <item name="quest_description_506017_eic">
    We have noticed recently that the light of many suns from sector X is not longer reaching us. We need you to travel to areas (faster-than-light-jumping) were the light should still be visible and check if the shut down happens "again" there.
    <item name="quest_description_506017_vru">
    We have noticed recently that the light of many suns from sector X is not longer reaching us. We need you to travel to areas (faster-than-light-jumping) were the light should still be visible and check if the shut down happens "again" there.
    <item name="quest_title_506018">
    <![CDATA[ Research the Breach ]]>
    <item name="quest_description_506018_mmo">
    More weird phenomena, what seems to be a inter dimensional breach has appear we need you to go there and collect data
    <item name="quest_description_506018_eic">
    More weird phenomena, what seems to be a inter dimensional breach has appear we need you to go there and collect data
    <item name="quest_description_506018_vru">
    More weird phenomena, what seems to be a inter dimensional breach has appear we need you to go there and collect data
    <item name="quest_title_506019">
    <![CDATA[ The Turncoat Priest ]]>
    <item name="quest_description_506019_mmo">
    At the end the answer came to us. A Priest from a secret cult have contacted with them. The Meteoroids are consuming the starts! He still giving detailed information to them, but till it's released we should start preemptive strikes.
    <item name="quest_description_506019_eic">
    At the end the answer came to us. A Priest from a secret cult have contacted with them. The Meteoroids are consuming the starts! He still giving detailed information to them, but till it's released we should start preemptive strikes.
    <item name="quest_description_506019_vru">
    At the end the answer came to us. A Priest from a secret cult have contacted with them. The Meteoroids are consuming the starts! He still giving detailed information to them, but till it's released we should start preemptive strikes.
    <item name="quest_title_506020">
    <![CDATA[ Skoll Comes ]]>
    <item name="quest_description_506020_mmo">
    The Priest talked about 12 powerful meteoroids in one betraying a 13th one even more powerful than all them together and letting him trapped in a dying universe... and seems now that guy is looking for revenge. We got also information about how to decrypt meteoroid data. It's time for some gathering.
    <item name="quest_description_506020_eic">
    The Priest talked about 12 powerful meteoroids in one betraying a 13th one even more powerful than all them together and letting him trapped in a dying universe... and seems now that guy is looking for revenge. We got also information about how to decrypt meteoroid data. It's time for some gathering.
    <item name="quest_description_506020_vru">
    The Priest talked about 12 powerful meteoroids in one betraying a 13th one even more powerful than all them together and letting him trapped in a dying universe... and seems now that guy is looking for revenge. We got also information about how to decrypt meteoroid data. It's time for some gathering.
    <item name="quest_title_506021">
    <![CDATA[ Preparing for the Battle ]]>
    <item name="quest_description_506021_mmo">
    The data you gave us reveals that the Meteoroids are collecting the energy from the starts to make the 12 more powerful when comes the time of the confrontation with Skoll. Since that is their problem we should just take care that they don't consume our galaxy, keep fighting them.
    <item name="quest_description_506021_eic">
    The data you gave us reveals that the Meteoroids are collecting the energy from the starts to make the 12 more powerful when comes the time of the confrontation with Skoll. Since that is their problem we should just take care that they don't consume our galaxy, keep fighting them.
    <item name="quest_description_506021_vru">
    The data you gave us reveals that the Meteoroids are collecting the energy from the starts to make the 12 more powerful when comes the time of the confrontation with Skoll. Since that is their problem we should just take care that they don't consume our galaxy, keep fighting them.
    <item name="quest_title_506022">
    <![CDATA[ Looking for the 12 part I ]]>
    <item name="quest_description_506022_mmo">
    The Priest just revealed that Skoll is able to consume the energy of an universe like you and me are able to eat a nut, and that he will do so without doubt in order to finish the 12. Maybe we should finish the 12 and bring his/their heads to Skoll before he enters our universe. Look for him and kill Meteoroids
    <item name="quest_description_506022_eic">
    The Priest just revealed that Skoll is able to consume the energy of an universe like you and me are able to eat a nut, and that he will do so without doubt in order to finish the 12. Maybe we should finish the 12 and bring his/their heads to Skoll before he enters our universe. Look for him and kill Meteoroids
    <item name="quest_description_506022_vru">
    The Priest just revealed that Skoll is able to consume the energy of an universe like you and me are able to eat a nut, and that he will do so without doubt in order to finish the 12. Maybe we should finish the 12 and bring his/their heads to Skoll before he enters our universe. Look for him and kill Meteoroids
    <item name="quest_title_506023">
    <![CDATA[ Looking for the 12 part II ]]>
    <item name="quest_description_506023_mmo">
    Keep looking for the 12 in this other sectors... and don't forget to help destroying meteoroids
    <item name="quest_description_506023_eic">
    Keep looking for the 12 in this other sectors... and don't forget to help destroying meteoroids
    <item name="quest_description_506023_vru">
    Keep looking for the 12 in this other sectors... and don't forget to help destroying meteoroids
    <item name="quest_title_506024">
    <![CDATA[ Cargo destroyed ]]>
    <item name="quest_description_506024_mmo">
    The biggest Cargo Ship of the Union got attacked and destroyed by Meteoroids, now the cargo is spread and floating through our system. Destroy the assaulter Meteoroids. And keep your eyes open in case you see the 12
    <item name="quest_description_506024_eic">
    The biggest Cargo Ship of the Union got attacked and destroyed by Meteoroids, now the cargo is spread and floating through our system. Destroy the assaulter Meteoroids. And keep your eyes open in case you see the 12
    <item name="quest_description_506024_vru">
    The biggest Cargo Ship of the Union got attacked and destroyed by Meteoroids, now the cargo is spread and floating through our system. Destroy the assaulter Meteoroids. And keep your eyes open in case you see the 12
    <item name="quest_title_506025">
    <![CDATA[ Protect Our loot ]]>
    <item name="quest_description_506025_mmo">
    The aliens lurking in our system have started looting the cargo lost. Destroy them and prevent them from stealing our goods.
    <item name="quest_description_506025_eic">
    The aliens lurking in our system have started looting the cargo lost. Destroy them and prevent them from stealing our goods.
    <item name="quest_description_506025_vru">
    The aliens lurking in our system have started looting the cargo lost. Destroy them and prevent them from stealing our goods.
    <item name="quest_title_506026">
    <![CDATA[ Protect the Sun! ]]>
    <item name="quest_description_506026_mmo">
    A swarm of meteoroids are leading directly to the Sun. The cargo destruction was just a distraction while they leech its energy. Stop them before they freeze all us!
    <item name="quest_description_506026_eic">
    A swarm of meteoroids are leading directly to the Sun. The cargo destruction was just a distraction while they leech its energy. Stop them before they freeze all us!
    <item name="quest_description_506026_vru">
    A swarm of meteoroids are leading directly to the Sun. The cargo destruction was just a distraction while they leech its energy. Stop them before they freeze all us!
    <item name="quest_title_506027">
    <![CDATA[ Breach Open ]]>
    <item name="quest_description_506027_mmo">
    The breach energy is at is maximal! Skoll is about crossing it! If that happens all we are lost. Enter in to the Breach and fight Skoll there where his power still been lower! The destiny of our universe is in your hands!
    <item name="quest_description_506027_eic">
    The breach energy is at is maximal! Skoll is about crossing it! If that happens all we are lost. Enter in to the Breach and fight Skoll there where his power still been lower! The destiny of our universe is in your hands!
    <item name="quest_description_506027_vru">
    The breach energy is at is maximal! Skoll is about crossing it! If that happens all we are lost. Enter in to the Breach and fight Skoll there where his power still been lower! The destiny of our universe is in your hands!
    <item name="quest_title_516019">
    <![CDATA[ The Turncoat Priest ]]>
    <item name="quest_description_516019_mmo">
    At the end the answer came to us. A Priest from a secret cult have contacted with them. The Meteoroids are consuming the starts! He still giving detailed information to them, but till it's released we should start preemptive strikes.
    <item name="quest_description_516019_eic">
    At the end the answer came to us. A Priest from a secret cult have contacted with them. The Meteoroids are consuming the starts! He still giving detailed information to them, but till it's released we should start preemptive strikes.
    <item name="quest_description_516019_vru">
    At the end the answer came to us. A Priest from a secret cult have contacted with them. The Meteoroids are consuming the starts! He still giving detailed information to them, but till it's released we should start preemptive strikes.
    <item name="quest_title_516020">
    <![CDATA[ Skoll Comes ]]>
    <item name="quest_description_516020_mmo">
    The Priest talked about 12 powerful meteoroids in one betraying a 13th one even more powerful than all them together and letting him trapped in a dying universe... and seems now that guy is looking for revenge. We got also information about how to decrypt meteoroid data. It's time for some gathering.
    <item name="quest_description_516020_eic">
    The Priest talked about 12 powerful meteoroids in one betraying a 13th one even more powerful than all them together and letting him trapped in a dying universe... and seems now that guy is looking for revenge. We got also information about how to decrypt meteoroid data. It's time for some gathering.
    <item name="quest_description_516020_vru">
    The Priest talked about 12 powerful meteoroids in one betraying a 13th one even more powerful than all them together and letting him trapped in a dying universe... and seems now that guy is looking for revenge. We got also information about how to decrypt meteoroid data. It's time for some gathering.
    <item name="quest_title_516021">
    <![CDATA[ Preparing for the Battle ]]>
    <item name="quest_description_516021_mmo">
    The data you gave us reveals that the Meteoroids are collecting the energy from the starts to make the 12 more powerful when comes the time of the confrontation with Skoll. Since that is their problem we should just take care that they don't consume our galaxy, keep fighting them.
    <item name="quest_description_516021_eic">
    The data you gave us reveals that the Meteoroids are collecting the energy from the starts to make the 12 more powerful when comes the time of the confrontation with Skoll. Since that is their problem we should just take care that they don't consume our galaxy, keep fighting them.
    <item name="quest_description_516021_vru">
    The data you gave us reveals that the Meteoroids are collecting the energy from the starts to make the 12 more powerful when comes the time of the confrontation with Skoll. Since that is their problem we should just take care that they don't consume our galaxy, keep fighting them.
    <item name="quest_title_516022">
    <![CDATA[ Looking for the 12 part I ]]>
    <item name="quest_description_516022_mmo">
    The Priest just revealed that Skoll is able to consume the energy of an universe like you and me are able to eat a nut, and that he will do so without doubt in order to finish the 12. Maybe we should finish the 12 and bring his/their heads to Skoll before he enters our universe. Look for him and kill Meteoroids
    <item name="quest_description_516022_eic">
    The Priest just revealed that Skoll is able to consume the energy of an universe like you and me are able to eat a nut, and that he will do so without doubt in order to finish the 12. Maybe we should finish the 12 and bring his/their heads to Skoll before he enters our universe. Look for him and kill Meteoroids
    <item name="quest_description_516022_vru">
    The Priest just revealed that Skoll is able to consume the energy of an universe like you and me are able to eat a nut, and that he will do so without doubt in order to finish the 12. Maybe we should finish the 12 and bring his/their heads to Skoll before he enters our universe. Look for him and kill Meteoroids
    <item name="quest_title_516023">
    <![CDATA[ Looking for the 12 part II ]]>
    <item name="quest_description_516023_mmo">
    Keep looking for the 12 in this other sectors... and don't forget to help destroying meteoroids
    <item name="quest_description_516023_eic">
    Keep looking for the 12 in this other sectors... and don't forget to help destroying meteoroids
    <item name="quest_description_516023_vru">
    Keep looking for the 12 in this other sectors... and don't forget to help destroying meteoroids
    <item name="quest_title_516024">
    <![CDATA[ Cargo destroyed ]]>
    <item name="quest_description_516024_mmo">
    The biggest Cargo Ship of the Union got attacked and destroyed by Meteoroids, now the cargo is spread and floating through our system. Destroy the assaulter Meteoroids. And keep your eyes open in case you see the 12
    <item name="quest_description_516024_eic">
    The biggest Cargo Ship of the Union got attacked and destroyed by Meteoroids, now the cargo is spread and floating through our system. Destroy the assaulter Meteoroids. And keep your eyes open in case you see the 12
    <item name="quest_description_516024_vru">
    The biggest Cargo Ship of the Union got attacked and destroyed by Meteoroids, now the cargo is spread and floating through our system. Destroy the assaulter Meteoroids. And keep your eyes open in case you see the 12
    <item name="quest_title_516025">
    <![CDATA[ Protect Our loot ]]>
    <item name="quest_description_516025_mmo">
    The aliens lurking in our system have started looting the cargo lost. Destroy them and prevent them from stealing our goods.
    <item name="quest_description_516025_eic">
    The aliens lurking in our system have started looting the cargo lost. Destroy them and prevent them from stealing our goods.
    <item name="quest_description_516025_vru">
    The aliens lurking in our system have started looting the cargo lost. Destroy them and prevent them from stealing our goods.
    <item name="quest_title_516026">
    <![CDATA[ Protect the Sun! ]]>
    <item name="quest_description_516026_mmo">
    A swarm of meteoroids are leading directly to the Sun. The cargo destruction was just a distraction while they leech its energy. Stop them before they freeze all us!
    <item name="quest_description_516026_eic">
    A swarm of meteoroids are leading directly to the Sun. The cargo destruction was just a distraction while they leech its energy. Stop them before they freeze all us!
    <item name="quest_description_516026_vru">
    A swarm of meteoroids are leading directly to the Sun. The cargo destruction was just a distraction while they leech its energy. Stop them before they freeze all us!
    <item name="quest_title_516027">
    <![CDATA[ Breach Open ]]>
    <item name="quest_description_516027_mmo">
    The breach energy is at is maximal! Skoll is about crossing it! If that happens all we are lost. Enter in to the Breach and fight Skoll there were his power still been lower! The destiny of our universe is in your hands!
    <item name="quest_description_516027_eic">
    The breach energy is at is maximal! Skoll is about crossing it! If that happens all we are lost. Enter in to the Breach and fight Skoll there were his power still been lower! The destiny of our universe is in your hands!
    <item name="quest_description_516027_vru">
    The breach energy is at is maximal! Skoll is about crossing it! If that happens all we are lost. Enter in to the Breach and fight Skoll there were his power still been lower! The destiny of our universe is in your hands!
    Одним словом готовимься!
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2014
  12. Ромка_Летчик

    Ромка_Летчик пользователь

    ΆЌ–47™ спс за инфу.
    Давно пора засыпать игру полезными акциями и хорошими наградами
  13. Freelancer99

    Freelancer99 пользователь

    Ух ты, настолько вкусно, что даже не верится! Смущает только, что это все не на русских серверах. Как бы не обошли нас (админы-то молчат) из-за пониженной платежеспособности реалом.
  14. ˘°*Μμśλimkã*°˘

    ˘°*Μμśλimkã*°˘ пользователь

    Да не прочку урезать, а пушек всем кораблям добавить до 15-ти, как у гала. ))) :confused::D
  15. Малюська

    Малюська пользователь

    А мы не бабушки с лавочек у подъезда. По пустому не трындим. Сообщим в нужное время.
  16. бандура

    бандура пользователь

    когда курс повысится до максимума, да и скоро у ДО праздник - че нибудь подкинут в игру
  17. -=ПоцелуйДьявола-=

    -=ПоцелуйДьявола-= пользователь

    Первоисточники всегда на зарубежных серверах появляются раньше, поэтому за свежей инфой туда, ну и базовые знания англ языка, будете впереди планеты всей)
  18. (-_-)смайлик(-_-)

    (-_-)смайлик(-_-) пользователь

    Тогда лучше уже 3 корабля на весь дарк зделать и все! фули на новом , новенькие на папетках и флаксовие на леонах :D.
    Как по мне то ето бред. Для разнообразия и создавались разние типи кораблей для разних типов пилотов с разними возможностями.
  19. ˘°*Μμśλimkã*°˘

    ˘°*Μμśλimkã*°˘ пользователь

    Зачем нужны корабли, на которых невозможно воевать, из-за их простой неконкурентоспособности относительно гала.
  20. (-_-)смайлик(-_-)

    (-_-)смайлик(-_-) пользователь

    В руках у хорошего пилота любой из 5-ти лидирующих кораблей (веник,гал,леон,аегис,цитадель) может стать смертельним орудием.
    На 2-м аке где есть аегис, 8 ирисок, 5 елитних щитов,9 ДП где 5 из них вкинути в грузовой отсек,15 елитних двигателей и всего 10 пушек лф3 (+14 лф2) легко сношу 8-ми ирискових игроков которим уступаю по всем параметрам (кроме скорости и опита игри) :).
    Соклановец постоянно на аегисе летает и сносит тех же галов.
    Думаю не мало есть и топов которие вибрали себе другие корабли для войни , хотя для полного фула верним другом есть в большенстве случиев спектрум и сентинел.
    Короче. Кто чем умеет пользоватса , на том и летает.:)
    ĂŔĢØ[ØÐ.ÚĂ] likes this.